Security+ (SY0-701)

Exam Price: 404.00$

CompTIA Security+ is the first early career cybersecurity certification a candidate should earn. It equips cybersecurity professionals with the foundational security skills necessary to safeguard networks, detect threats, and secure data through performance-based questions—helping them open the door to a cybersecurity career and become a trusted defender of digital environments.

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1 CompTIA Security (SY0-701) 2024-02-13 Login First


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1 CompTIA Security (SY0-701) 2024-03-01 Login First


NO. Name Date Watch/Download
1 CompTIA Security (SY0-701) 2024-03-01 Login First
2 CompTIA Security (SY0-701) 2024-03-28 Login First
3 CompTIA Security (SY0-701) 2024-03-28 Login First